Moodle 2 for Admins - Create a Custom Site Menu
One of the easiest ways to get common links onto your site (and force them on every page) is creating a custom site menu. Prior to Moodle 2, this meant either creating or customizing a Moodle theme with activity that required a steep learning curve unless you had prior experience working with HTML and CSS. With Moodle 2, an area has been added where any site administrator can create a custom menu for the site simply using the web browser - no HTML or CSS knowledge required. Here's the video (if you prefer written instructions, they are below): To create a custom menu for your site, login as the Moodle Administrator. In the Site Administration area, click on Appearance link, then Themes, then Theme Settings. Look about 3/4 of the way down the page - you will see a paragraph entry box on the page. Create your menu! Some items of note: for each item in your menu: the only required piece is the text that appears in the menu the first ...