Five Friday Finds

It's no April Fool's Joke that finding good web resources can be the hardest part of the job for an educator.  With all the demands on a teacher's time, who has time to spend searching?  If this is you, here are some resources you may found useful.  Please feel free to share with others!

We Are Teachers
“[A] powerful online community for teachers, combining the expertise of our member community, the resources and knowledge base of our partners and the momentum of social media to recognize and reward innovative teaching ideas.” Lots of shared teaching ideas, grant opportunities, and connections!

Decoding Writing with The 39 Clues
Help students learn about & identify the Traits of Writing. Presented by Scholastic, this is a live webinar on April 5 featuring Ruth Culham and four of the authors that participated in created The 39 Clues series (the recording will be available after April 5). 

Math Games for Mangahigh
Site has interactive lessons & games for math.  Currently, all materials are free for teachers that register.

Science & Social Studies-
What Would Darwin Think
25 minute video on the effects between economics, politics and conservationism on the Galapagos Islands.  Companion resource: Interactive Galapagos multimedia map

Happy April!

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