MeL Minute: Webinars for Britannica, Gale, and World Book eResources

From the MeL Team:

On October 1, you will continue to see eResources from Britannica, Gale, and World Book. While our library community has been using these eResources for years, the content is continually updated and to help you keep up-to-date, webinars will be available throughout October and into November. 
For those working in or with the education community, we're also offering some educator-specific webinars to highlight how eResource content can be used in a classroom. Additionally, tools are available to support the education community including lesson plans and resource guides. Click the links to register. 

Britannica Basics for Public Libraries 
Thought Britannica School was just for school librarians? Think again! Britannica School has a ton of terrific resources for Public Librarians to support K-12 students working on school projects and research reports. Britannica School also has great resources to support parents who home school their children. Additionally, we'll share how you can use these resources with all of the patrons who come through your library!  
Britannica Basics for Middle and High School  
Join us for this interactive webinar to learn new ways to do research projects with students using Britannica resources. Get ideas for integrating technology and digital skills into your library and classrooms! Attendees will learn about special features, including: • Creating a My Britannica account to collect, organize, and share favorite content • Classroom curriculum resources (American History, World Studies, Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, and all levels of Language Arts and Math) • Expanded video and media content, including a video download feature 

Britannica Basics for Elementary School 
Join us for this interactive webinar to learn new ways to do research projects with students using Britannica resources. Get ideas for integrating technology and digital skills into your library and classrooms! Attendees will learn about special features, including: • Creating a My Britannica account to collect, organize, and share favorite content • Classroom curriculum resources (American History, World Studies, Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, and all levels of Language Arts and Math) • Expanded video and media content, including a video download feature 

Gale: Making the Most of DemographicsNow 
Want to learn more about your community? Need to help patrons with their local business research? DemographicsNow offers up-to-date and easy access to highly detailed demographic data, consumer spending data, marketing lists, and more! Learn how to pull pertinent data on various geographies & how to customize reports. 
Gale: Opposing Viewpoints In Context 
Verified information is a hot commodity this days, and Gale’s Opposing Viewpoints In Context (OViCcan provide just what you are looking for on today’s hottest social issues. OViC helps learners develop critical thinking skills and informs users of differing viewpoints to draw their own conclusions. Learn how to navigate key topics and use different search strategies. 

World Book: Educator Resources in Early World of Learning and World Book Kids 
This will be a deep dive into Early World of Learning and World Book Kids, with a brief overview of Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos. Practical classroom/library programming uses will be highlighted. 
World Book: General Overview of Early World of Learning and World Book Kids 
Learn about basic navigation, available content, and best ways to search. 

MeL is transforming on October 1! New eResources, a new website, and a new logo will make their debuts. The latest information about eResource changes, including training opportunities, can be found at our Get Ready page. 


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