Next Gen Personal Finance - Curriculum and Resources

Next Gen Personal Finance is a great resource for teachers that are either teaching a Personal Finance course or incorporating personal finance topics into their curriculum

The site includes:

  • learning units
  • course mapping - from an 8 hour workshop, to a full semester course
  • resources (including "question of the day," activities and projects)  & case studies
  • professional development and networking opportunities
All materials (excluding pictures) are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non-Commerical 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC) License (  This means you can share and adapt the content following the terms of use (see note below) without seeking written permission.  

"The CC BY-NC License allows you to freely share and adapt CFCI Content, provided that: (i) you give proper attribution to CFCI in the manner specified by CFCI, but not in any way that suggests that CFCI endorse you or your use." (from the Terms of Use, accessed on 5/7/2019)