Google Classroom - Updating Profile and Your Notification Settings

Settings can be found multiple places in Google Classroom.  One of the places that is overlooked - but controls the number of email notifications you get from your classrooms - is in the sidebar.  Notifications and your profile settings can be changed here.

Click on the 3 stacked lines on the left side - you can do this when in a classroom, or on the general classroom page.

Scroll all the way to the bottom to select Settings -

This is one place you can change your profile settings - note that this is your profile for your G Suite account NOT just for Classroom-

Below that is where you can set your notification settings to decide how much and what types of email notifications you want for your classrooms -

At the bottom of the list of notifications is a drop down list where you can choose which courses to get notifications for, and which ones you want "silent" -

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