Google Mail - Schedule When a Message Is Sent

Gmail now allows for you to create messages ahead of time, and schedule when they are actually sent.  If you schedule a message you will have a new label on the left called Schedule, so you are still able to access the email (ie. to edit, or send immediately) if needed.

Composing your email message.  When you have finished creating your message, look for the arrow next to Send (probably this is part of a blue button)

Click it to see the option to Schedule Send

When you click on Schedule send, it will open up a box with 3 suggested dates/times you may want to send the email
You may 1) click on one of these options and the message will go into the Schedule queue.  Or 2) you may click on Pick date & time to select a different date and/or time
Once you choose 1) the date and 2) time you would like the message to be sent, 3) click on the blue Schedule send button to schedule the email.

Thank you for joining us for this episode of Technology Tidbits, brought to you by Melinda Waffle (Calhoun Intermediate School District), and CJ Walker and Du Bui (Jackson County Intermediate School District)

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