New Moodle Help Site

My latest project has been creating a Moodle Help 101 course on our Moodle server.  With so many of our local school districts converting to Moodle, I find that it is nice to have one site to store documents, links and videos.  I'm sure it will quickly become overwhelming, but at least here at the start it is manageable!


For the sake of clarity: the topics are organized by how particular features are (or will be) leveled at county-wide training.  As you can see, the Introduction topic is for Moodle orientation and helping users to add resources to a course; a majority of the Introduction material is already loaded onto the site.  We are using Basic, Expanded and Advanced to classify all remaining Moodle modules, add-ons, tricks and anything else you can think of.  These will be added in as the trainings happen in the next couple months.

Please note the creative-commons licensing points out that it is void on links that point outside the Moodle course housing this information.