Google Calendar - Setting up Time Slots

One calendar feature that can be useful for some situation is the ability to set up time slots.  If you are a Google Apps for Education district, you have this feature. (It is not available with a general Google account...)

To set up time slots, first make sure your calendar is in the Week view -

Drag over the times you want to block out for your time slots on a single day (you can set up for additional days later) -

A pop-up will appear to enter a new event - there is a second choice at the top called Appointment slots, click on that -

Put in an event name, set which calendar it should appear on, and select whether it is one slot OR divided into a series of slots -

When you are set, click on Create slots -

The slots have been set up. 

Now, to fill the slots click on the event name in the slot area to see the details page -

You can edit the event here, including adding a location and description.

The important piece is the hyperlink that is shown.  Copy and share that hyperlink with anyone that you want to sign up for a time slot -

When recipients of the hyperlink choose times, it does two things: it adds it to their own Google calendar, and it adds an additional slot assignment onto your own Google calendar. 

When you click on it, it shows who the person was that signed up (name blanked out for privacy!) -

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