REMC 12E #CISD Inspire Workshop - Breakout EDU

What’s This Breakout EDU Box Thing?

Breakout EDU - a new fad or a valid method for learning? It’s hard to know until you experience one for yourself.  This workshop will begin by dividing into teams whose challenge is to break into a Breakout EDU box.  It sounds simple, but will require teamwork, creative problem solving, and thinking outside the “box” to accomplish the breakout.

Purposes of the day’s activities -
  • Experience a Breakout EDU Box activity
  • Discuss the impacts of Breakout EDU on educational learning
  • Walk through the setup process and materials needed
  • Create a modified Breakout EDU activity

This session is appropriate for superintendents, principals, all teachers, curriculum & technology personnel.  Breakout EDU boxes can be used with staff for professional development/team building, or in the classroom.

Date: February 3, 2017
Time: 8:30 - 12:00
Where: Calhoun ISD (Marshall)
Cost: FREE to REMC 12E educators
      $10 for those outside REMC 12E
Please register here.

About the #CISDInspire Network

The goals of the #CISDInspire Network:
  • to help each district create a grassroots movement within each school building to use technology as a support for effective instruction.  
  • to bring together teams of educators from our local school districts (teacher, technology, curriculum and administration leaders) to explore technology topics as they affect and apply to the school environment.