Google Drive - Moderated Templates in the Template Gallery

Back in December I blogged about the new Template Gallery in Google Docs, Sheets & Slides.  (By the way, it also works with Google Forms now!)

You may be in an organization that moderates the templates submitted to the gallery - this can be especially helpful in a larger organization where it would get overwhelming quickly if everyone tried to add personal templates (what I consider templates that only the creator would use, not everyone in the organization or even departments within the organization).

If this is the case, when you submit a template you will get the following message:

This will trigger an email to your Google administrators that have access to applications.  Once they approve or deny your request, you will get one of the following emails as confirmation:
 For a decline:
 For an approved request:

If the request was approved, then the template will be available to everyone in your organization going forward. 

If you are an admin, this is the email you will recieved when the requests come in:
By clicking on the provided link or button, you can view the proposed template and decide if you approve it to be in the template gallery -

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