MeL Minute: Britannica and Google Classroom

The latest MeL Minute from the Library of Michigan -

Are you a Google Classroom educator/school/district? If so, your life just got a lot simpler. Now, you can easily share Britannica School articles, videos, and images directly to your Google Classroom! This step-by-step videoBritannica Digital Learning and Google Classroomwill get you on the path to sharing Britannica’s trusted and reliable content in no time.

When sharing content to a Google Classroom, there is one additional step you need to take here in Michigan so that students will not get a login screen.  Because we use geo-location, you must instruct Google Classroom students to first open any level of Britannica School, and then click on the link of the shared content.  For step-by-step instructions with screenshots, go to

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