MKL Day Volunteer Project Financial Support

The Michigan Community Service Commission is providing volunteer project support to Michigan organizations as part of the Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service 2020. Note that projects engaging youth volunteers & financial literacy will be given preference. 

All proposed events or activities must occur on or around Martin Luther King, Jr. Day beginning Friday January 17, 2020 through Friday January 24, 2020. Preference will be given to events that occur sometime during Friday, January 17th through Monday, January 20th.

Awards valued at up to $1,000 are available from partners Michigan Nonprofit Association and Youth Service America and will be distributed based on the following scale:
  • $1,000- Engage 300 or more youth volunteers
  • $750- Engage 100 or more youth volunteers
  • $500- Engage 50 or more volunteers
  • $250- Engage at least 25 volunteers
  • $100- Engage at least 10 volunteers
All partners must provide $1 for $1 cash or in-kind match support.

Funds must be used to support elements of a service project. 

Projects engaging youth volunteers will be give special preference. Projects focusing on financial literacy will also be given preference.