Technology Tidbit - Video Resources

(Part of our Stay-At-Home series focused on practical ways you can use a resource to foster creativity, connections, and collaboration.)

There are many organizations that are offering video resource (or TV programming) each day which may be useful to parents and teachers.  Here is a short list of a few that are freely available you may want to check out:
  • Public television (and their companion websites) are changing programming to focus on materials for K-12 Students at home until further notice.  PBS stations have blocked out time for each level - 7-9am is PBS Kids materials appropriate for 2-8 year olds; 9am - 1pm is for students Grades 4-8; 1-6pm is for students Grades 9-12. Additionally many have companion resources that can be used with the programming. 
  • PBS Learning has resources and learning activities in most subject areas.  Students do need to make a (free) account if they do not already have one. 
  • Discovery Education is providing daily learning activities for parents & teachers.  The daily activities are provided for 4 different grade groups: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12. There is an archive of the last 2 weeks if you need more than one activity.  (For Teachers - they also have put together some "Grab and Go lessons" for some quick starters. This does require your DE login.)
  • Khan Academy is providing "schedules" for parents to use to help students keep learning, along with Parent and Teacher resources for using the resources. 
  • BrainPop provides learning videos in nearly all curriculum areas, including Social-Emotional Learning.  They provide a BrainPop Topic each day which a video, quiz, challenge and variety of activities. 

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