Google Mail - Assigning/Deleting Labels

Once you have an understanding of labels, using them makes more sense.  Here is how to assign & delete them as you want.

To add a label to an email, either when looking at your email list OR inside the email itself, you can click on the label icon at the top of the window -

When you click on it, you will see (1) a list of your existing emails.  You will also see (2) where you can create a new label on the spot -

Because these are labels (NOT folders), you can assign as many as you would like.  Once you have selected all the labels you wish to assign the email, click on Apply -

The email will now appear with the label next to the subject line -

If you do not want the email to stay in your Inbox, you can select the "folder" icon next to the label icon.  This will allow you to assign one or more labels to the email, AND at the same time remove the Inbox label so it no longer shows up in your Inbox - 

The list of labels should look familiar - it is exactly the same, it just takes away the extra step of removing the Inbox label separately -

To delete a label from an email, you go to the same location as adding it and Uncheck any boxes that you don't wish to label it with.  Clicking apply will then save your changes. 

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