Ed Tech Newsletter - Week of March 8

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Create a Group Calendar

Google not only gives the ability to create multiple calendars, but through the sharing you can actually create a calendar that is contributed to by a group of people.  This gives some great flexibility in the use of the calendar as it can both be VIEWED and EDITED, as established by the owner of the calendar.
Some uses of a Group Calendar:
  • some teachers have a class calendar that either the teacher OR students log upcoming events and due dates on
  • a professional group (such as a PLC, building staff, curriculum team) may maintain a shared calendar where all the organizers have the ability to edit events, and other participants can view the calendar
  • a student group may maintain a calendar of events pertinent to the group
If you would like some help, here's a quick video on sharing a calendar from Google Enterprise:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmU02MRdXtk

Letters App

The Letters App for the iPad by d-Studio is a letter board reminiscent of the magnetic letter boards.  Kids can drag letters (and numbers & symbols) onto the board.  The letters actually interact with each other, pushing each other out of the way if you attempt to put one on top of another.  Letter color can be changed if the user visually needs to view a single color.  Rotation of the letters can be turned on or off.  And when you want a clean board, you simply push them off the side...

Link to app in iTunes store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/letters-app/id474214138?mt=8

Single Item Backups

Sometimes you want to move a single item from one course to another.  Moodle has made this very easy to do know with the inclusion of the backup choice for every item you create.  When you are viewing the item you want to move, look for the backup under the Activity Settings (found in the Settings Block).  This will assume you want to only back up that activity as you go through creating the backup.

Here's a quick video showing how this works: http://youtu.be/8dTZgtpINX8
Friday Finds
Some useful websites for the week....
The World Digital Library is a site to obtain primary source documents from a specific location of the world AND time span.  The slider under the map will let the user specify the timespan wanted.  Clicking on the item on the map will then bring up a screen to select and view a synopsis of the item. 
Curate.Us is a site to "create visually compelling clips and quotes that are easily embedded--just like video."
Copyright © 2013 Calhoun Intermediate School District, All rights reserved.
This newsletter is the replacement to the "Five Friday Finds" emails that were sent out previously by Melinda Waffle, Educational Technology Consultant. You are receiving this email as you opted in using a link provided. If you no longer find this information of value, please feel free to unsubscribe.

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Calhoun Intermediate School District
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MarshallMI 49068

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