#REMC12E #CISD Inspire Workshop - Branding for Schools
Branding for Schools
What is your school’s brand? How do you convey it? Who conveys it? These are of the few of the questions we will address in this session, which will be co-lead by Jerry Johnson, Assistant Superintendent for Legislation and Education Policy, and Melinda Waffle, Educational Technology Consultant.
Purposes of the day’s activities -
- Define branding & understand why it matters
- Begin a plan for management your brand to build vision & consistency
- Plan for creating credibility with transparent communication on multi modes
This session is appropriate for superintendents, principals, teacher leaders, curriculum & technology personnel.
Date: March 30, 2017
Time: 8:30 - 12:30 (lunch provided)
Where: Calhoun ISD (Marshall)
Cost: FREE to REMC 12E educators
$10 for those outside REMC 12E
The Morning’s Agenda
About the #CISDInspire Network
The goals of the #CISDInspire Network:
- to help each district create a grassroots movement within each school building to use technology as a support for effective instruction.
- to bring together teams of educators from our local school districts (teacher, technology, curriculum and administration leaders) to explore technology topics as they affect and apply to the school environment.