Encyclopedia of Associations Now in MeL

From Deb Biggs at MeL:

We are happy to announce that the Encyclopedia of Associations (EA): National Organizations of the U.S., 2017, 56th edition has been added to the Gale Directory Library in MeL! Click in the “Organizations” + box to select and then type your search term in the “Basic Search” box keeping in mind that you can specify your search words as well as limit results.  EA is the most comprehensive source for detailed information on more than 24,000 nonprofit American membership organizations of national scope and multi-national scope. Every entry offers a wealth of valuable data, typically including the organization's complete name, address and phone number together with the primary official's name and title; fax number, website and email when available; founding date, purpose, activities and dues; narrative description of association's purpose and activities; national and international conferences; and more.  Encyclopedia of Associations can be an excellent resource for small business development and for entrepreneurs as well as general research.

MeL databases are available to Michigan residents or Michigan library access only.

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