Google Mail - Snoozing Email

You can now "snooze" your email out of your inbox.  This is convenient for when you want to "assign" a date or time to deal with the email other than the current moment, and do not want it cluttering up your inbox.

Using the snooze features is pretty easy to do  -

The clock icon is where you go to snooze an email.  It is found several places:

  • at the top when reading an email 
  • at the top of the list when one or more email are selected (checked on the left side)
  • in the hover menu (if you have that turned on)
  • by using the keystroke shortcut

When you click the clock icon (or use the shortcut), you get the following options to pop-up in choosing when the email should return to your inbox:

If you choose "Pick date & time" a calendar will appear so you can pick a different day and/or time:

When a snoozed email hits that date/time, it will reappear in your inbox, along with a message on the right side of it indicating how long ago it was snoozed:

At any time you can access your snoozed mail using the quicklink in the left menu under the compose button:
All your snoozed email will appear in a list, along with the date it is currently set to reappear on the right side:

If you open one of these, you have the option to "unsnooze" the email:

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