Google Mail - Undo Send Setting

Did you know you can "undo" sending an email?  It used to be what was called a lab, but now it is a built in feature.  So for those times you forget an important piece of the email, and realize it right after you send it...OR those times you respond to an email with a bit more emotion than you probably should...this feature can help you out. 

How does it undo a sent mail?  It really doesn't - it actually puts the email in a queue to send, with a timer.  After that time is up, it is sent. Once that happens, there is no getting it back ;-)

The feature is automatically turned on in the updated Mail.  To change the length of time you can "undo" a message, first go to the Settings (found be clicking on the Gear in the upper right corner) -

Then look for Undo Send -

Click on the dropdown and set it to the time you prefer -

Once you set it, every time you send an email the following message will appear in the bottom left for the length of time you established in the settings -

Clicking Undo will stop the send, and open the message back up for you to edit or delete.

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