Five Friday Finds

(Delayed post for the latest Five Friday Finds I sent out to area educators.)

As usual, finding good web resources can be the hardest part of the job for an educator.  With all the demands on a teacher's time, who has time to spend searching?  If this is you, here are some resources you may found useful.  Please feel free to share with others!

For a mix-up, this week all five sites contain online educational materials for all curriculum areas.  

Education Podcasts:
A whole host of education podcasts from universities, colleges, students & teachers.  Materials for everyone, from the youngest to oldest learners.

MIT Open Courseware:
Free lecture notes, exams and videos from MIT; free to use and no registration.

Stanford Uniersity’s ecorner:
“Free podcasts and video clips of entrepreneurial thought leaders and innovators from Silicon Valley.”

“The open-content textbooks collection that anyone can edit.”

Collection of free online educational videos, lessons, quizzes, games & puzzles.