Google Drawings - Drag & Drop questions (guest post by Adam Llevo)

Recently I read about a post by Adam Llevo (@MrAdamPE) about creating and using interactive Drag & Drop worksheets for students.  With drag & drop questions being a part of our current state assessments, this intrigued me.  Upon checking it out, all I can say is...WOW!  There are so many applications for this idea - here are a few that I thought of initially:

  • drag & drop the appropriate equation on a variety of graphs (Algebra)
  • drag & drop the parts of a flower (3rd grade Science)
  • drag & drop the appropriate word into sentences (Upper El ELA)
  • drag & drop to label a map (Social Studies)
and of course, Adam's examples show how to use it in Health & PE! The applications for this are boundless.  And if you are using Google Classroom, turning your prepared document into a template that is share with students is so easy! Check out his blog post & examples - 

From Adam Llevo's blog post "Using GDrawings in #PhysEd & #Health"

Most recently I have been playing around with Google Drawings and looking at possible ways you could implement them into your PE and Health lessons. One way that I thought of, was to make student diagrams that needed to be label become a drag and drop task. You could create the template, share the template with your students, they then share back the completed homework when they have finished for you to check. Below are some examples:
skeleton diagram with drag & drop labelsbody muscles diagram with drag & drop labels

To see more of of his examples and some additional ideas on this unique use of Drawings, visit his post "Using GDrawings in #PhysEd & #Health

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