Five Friday Finds

Here are today's Friday Finds.   Hey- an extra one managed to sneak in there so there are SIX today!  As always, feel free to share with others.

"A Web Whiteboard is touch-friendly whiteboard app that lets you use your computer, tablet or smartphone to easily draw sketches, collaborate with others and share them with the world."

"Turn a paper based book into an interactive book with QR Codes."

Foreign Language
"Instantly connect with native speakers around the world through live video."

Interactive game to practice division.  It has three levels.


Design a roller coaster.  You get a rating based on the difficulty and safety of the rider. Physics are involved!

Social Studies
If you haven't checked out the National Archive site, you should! There are lots of records, resources, lessons, and other materials.  And remember, unless otherwise notated, most of the material is public domain so you can freely use it in your classroom.