Moodle 2 for Teachers & Admin - Drag & Drop into Text Question Type


Unbeknownst to many, there are various question types that can be added to Moodle to make quizzes more flexible - and more like some of the question types students may see elsewhere (read that - national testing...).  I'm going to demonstrate various question types over the next several weeks.

Open University has created a whole host of question types.  Today we are looking at the "Drag and Drop Into Text" question.  

Here is a video overview of how to set it up and use it:

(This question types working on Moodle 2.1 forward; I am showing it running on Moodle 2.4. This addition must be added to your Moodle server by a Moodle Administrator.)

Moodle Plugins - Drag & Drop into Text