Opportunity - "Redefining Literacy to Today's Learners" webinar with DE's Karen Beerer

I just received this via email about an event tonight - looks like a great opportunity if you can register and attend at 7 pm ET!

"Good afternoon,

I just received late-breaking information that Discovery Education’s Karen Beerer is hosting a special webinar presentation this evening at 7pm ET “Redefining Literacy for Today's Learners.”  This is open to all users of Discovery Education, and anyone else who may benefit.  Please share the registration link below.  Registration is free. 

Here’s the registration link with more info

Description of Webinar:

Visual literacy, digital literacy, 21st century literacy, media literacy, whatever you call it, we know that for students to be literate in today’s world, they need a variety of skills that equate to much more than reading and writing.   In fact, even reading and writing skills look different.  As a leader, your role is integral in helping transform literacy instruction for today’s learners.  Join us to discuss these new literacies and learn practical leadership strategies to implement in your schools.

More on Dr. Karen Beerer:

Karen Beerer, Ed.D. has 28 years of experience in public education as a classroom teacher, reading specialist, principal, and supervisor of curriculum and professional development. She has spent the last eight years as the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment in Boyertown, PA. She received her Ed.D. from Lehigh University where she studied Curriculum and Instruction.  Her doctorate entitled, “The Effects of Study Groups on Teacher Transfer of Inquiry Instruction Training to Elementary School Science Achievement” resulted in several publications. Dr. Beerer has a passion for professional development, specifically, helping educators utilize research-based practices in instruction to help all students achieve.