2019 Map Michigan Contest

What: Map Michigan Contest! 2019
Who: High School (grades 9-12) and Middle School (grades 4-8) students
When: Entry form due by March 22; submission deadline is May 15
Prizes: 10 - $100 prizes for each level

Learn more at https://bit.ly/2zsTv16ArcGIS 

Synopsis From MDE Memo #172-18:
Details for the ArcGIS Online United States Competition 2019 in which students create and share maps about their home states are now available.
"The competition is open to students in both middle and high school who can analyze, interpret, and present data via an ArcGIS online presentation, web application, or story map.  To participate, a school must complete an entry form by March 22, 2019. A school may submit up to five projects to the competition website.  Submissions must be received no later than May 15, 2019."

Software is freely available for K-12 instructional use from Esri.  To learn more about how to access this free software go to http://www.esri.com/connected.  Instructional materials posted on Esri’s website can introduce students to web mapping through topics such as population dynamics, water pollution, marine debris, and resource consumption and wealth.  Also available is GIS professional learning for educators and resources on creation or updating of curriculum using GIS software.

ArcGIS is a geographic information system (GIS) that depicts data geographically.  GIS-based projects provide for integrated learning experiences across content areas and facilitate collaboration to tackle local and global challenges.