The Web 2.0 You Might Not Know About - Leslie Fisher MACUL

AT MACUL 2012 Conference attending the Leslie Fisher session:  The Web 2.0 You Might Not Know About...
(Finally up after my battery died 15 minutes before the end of the session...)

RockMelt - Free browser for Mac or PC
Social media browser - connects to social media but leaves you on current page

Evernote Clearly can be attached to any web browser - will extract story out of web page and save to Evernote; for school accounts; can now add audio recordings; bought skitch app for drawing; solution for iPads in multiple hands (teacher on student accounts); Evernote Peek adds flash card capability for iPad

Twitter - soapbox moment about uses for Education :-)
Added ability to receive tweets with no twitter account, uses text messaging.  Use twitter widgets to place tweets onto webpage (real time updating...). - backchannel room, can go to it at anytime to see as is. - free backchannel chat, pretty open - allows interaction between speaker & the audience; create questions, vote to promote; similar to the Purdue's Hotseat.  No longer free - collaboration site online; can load a pdf on there and collaborate it. Can now get up to 100 people into the room, can be in room on mobile device; has time slider to review material. - tool for sharing resources; virtual pinboard; organizable by topic, ideas, etc

Wunderlist - To Dos in one location (any platform); collaborative to dos;

Zamzar - file conversion site (free!) - online cork board to post stickies, other resources, etc; it's an iPad it - organize a topic in one place; create boards, when browsing can add links from sites to your boards; people can subscribe to the board (schools using as school newspaper) - simple group meetings; change, or take control of the screen - create websites easily; two sites you can create for free; weebly for education - the teacher can control privacy - create drag & drop forms online;

Eventbrite - schedule events easily; keeps track of waiting list on limited room events. - student engagement & reward tracker; teacher can load behaviors & students for tracking - learn more about literature - teacher creates account; others join via text/email; no phone/emails exchanged and the teacher can communicate with students/parents - message board. - polling/feedback online, can conditionalize by answer - QR Code management  - new wordle support (see word cloud of open ended question answers) - take tidbits from everywhere & mash together

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