TechSmith CyberMonday Sale!

Ever wonder what I use to create my annotated graphics & short videos?  Here's my secret - TechSmith's SnagIt.  Very easy to use software for screencapturing - both images and videos.

And today - they are having a CyberMonday Sale.  You can get it for 30% off using the code CYBERMON15.  If you are an educator, this means you get it for $20.96 instead of $29.95.

If you already have an older version of SnagIt, you can upgrade for $10.46 instead of $14.95!  Well worth it for the newest features.

Truthfully, I am not paid in any way, shape or form to promote SnagIt.  I just find it to be a very useful tool, and want others to know about it.