Five Friday Finds

Often, finding good web resources are the hardest part of the job for an educator.  With all the demands on a teacher's time, who has time to spend searching?  If this is you, here are some resources you may found useful.  Please feel free to share with others!

Download Tube:
Enter the URL of a YouTube video & select which conversion you want.  The site will retrieve & convert YouTube video, then allow you to download it.  Free service allows for 1 conversion & download every 90 minutes.   

A blog posting with links to some of the best locations to find free audiobooks. 

Math & Science-
“Browse 1800+ videos by topic” –there are other topics there, but a lot of mathematics (Developmental Math through Calculus & Differential Equations) and science (Biology, Chemistry & Physics)

Social Studies-
Current world events are marked on a world map.  The size of the marker denotes the age of the news clips (smaller markers mark older events). 

A game, downloadable in for both Mac & PC, that has the user explore the interrelationship of obesity, nutrition and socioeconomics in the US.  “The game’s goal is not to tell people what to eat or how to exercise, but to demonstrate the complex, interwoven relationships between nutrition and factors like budgets, the physical world, subsidies, and regulations.”

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