Google Calendar - How to Share Your Calendar Via Link

Google Calendar provides a couple ways you can share your calendar.  The first way you will see below provides a link that lets another person subscribe to your calendar.  They will need to be logged into their Google account, and it will display YOUR calendar along with their own. (Personally, I find this method the best for adding my kids' and husband's events so I see our families events all in one calendar.)  The second method displays your calendar in a browser window.  This is probably the preferred Teacher method for sharing with parents.

(Here is a video on How to Share Your Calendar Via a Link.)

When in your Google Calendar:
Click on the Options menu (stacked dots) for the calendar you want to share -

Select Settings and sharing -

Click on Access permissions on the left side -

Click on the Get shareable link -
Note that who can see the calendar with this link depends on the access permissions you have set right above.  For example, with the settings like I have above (Make available to public), anyone can see all of my event details - 

If that is turned off, then I will get a different message saying only people in my organization can see my calendar -

Once the permissions are how you want them, click on Copy link-

When you share that link with others, they will need to log into their Google account to see your calendar.  It will actually subscribe them to it so it is in their Calendar list -

The other way to share your calendar, without the other person subscribing to your calendar is by going to the Integrate calendar settings -

There is a Public URL to the calendar - you can highlight and copy that -

When you share it, your calendar is loaded into a browser window -

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