Five Friday Finds

Often, finding good web resources are the hardest part of the job for an educator.  With all the demands on a teacher's time, who has time to spend searching?  If this is you, here are some resources you may found useful.  Please feel free to share with others!

Google PDF Handouts with Screenshots:
Many How-to Handouts on using Google developed for Maricopa Community College.  There is a link to editable versions of the handouts.

250+ Places for Free Books Online:
250+ .htm
“This is a listing of 260 sites that legally offer free books (eBooks) for download or for online viewing.”

Johnnie’s Math Page: “Interactive math tools, math activities and math fun for kids and their teachers.”

Cells Alive:
View video, pictures, and interactive models of cells.

Social Studies-
Products of Slavery: Interactive map marks current countries using either forced and/or child labor to make products.  These are viewable by country or by product.  (Please be advised that pornography is one of the products.)

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