Combine 4 App Review for IEAR

App Title: Combine 4 (previously 24)

Grade Level: Grades 5 and up

Purpose: A
Combine 4 tests the user's knowledge and ability to use the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to combine 4 numbers in a way to equal 24. 

Program Functionality: A
The game is very smooth running (I've never had a crash!), and there are enough number combinations that the user doesn't notice any duplication (there are 1362 combinations).  Sound can easily be turned on and off.  Also, the user can set for it to only use numbers 1-10 as possibilities for the 4 numbers, decreasing the difficulty level.

There are two modes of play.  Free Play allows the user to take as long as they want to solve the problem, but does keep a timer for how long it does take to complete it.  Speed Play starts with a 3:00 count down, adding 10 seconds for correct answers and subtracting 20 seconds for any passed problems.

Overall Educational Value: A

Cost: $1.99 (regular iTunes store price)

This is a great game for praciticing order of operations and problem solving using basic operations.  The problems are so diverse that it can be beneficial to any student that has a basic grasp of addition, subtraction, multiplying and dividing. 

iTunes Link:

App Website:

Reviewer Name: Melinda Waffle
IEAR Site: 

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Tags:  math

Category:  elementary, middle, high

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