Five Friday Finds

Here is the latest edition of Five Friday Finds!  Please note that I stuck a foreign language resource in there :-)

As always, share with others in your world whom might find it useful.  Have a great weekend!


Blog post on a conference idea to update the KWL chart to incorporate higher order thinking.


"Simmons presents a series of creative activities that have advanced her high school students' vocabularies and impressed on them the power of words."

Foreign Language
"60 languages. 3 million lessons. 100% free. The world's largest language-learning service."

Mathematics & Science
Web 2.0 Tools for Math Educators
"This is a continuing series on Web2.0 and other web-based tools for educators. This information is specific to math educators, but there is some crossover into science. Math educators will find a large number of useable interactive companion web sites for the teaching of math concepts and skills."

Social Studies
"The site Países@ provides information about all the countries of the world, grouped in 8 main Topics: Summary, Population, Social Indicators, Economy, Networks, Environment and Millennium Goals. "

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