Five Friday Finds - December 2

Happy December!  I don't know what the weather is like for you but we got slammed earlier this week and still have quite a bit of snow on the ground.  What a way for November to end and December to begin!

Here are 5 new resources to share with you.  As always, feel free to share with others...

Learn to search better and smarter with the Google daily challenge.

Growing collection of "news words" along "a definition, a quote with its use (or misuse) in the media, and a news and Twitter feed on the subject." Updated every weekday.
"Here is a useful dice simulator for traditional six-sided dice which can be used for playing your own games. Choose the number of dice you want to simulate (1 to 6) and click 'Roll'."


"Beautiful Weather Graphs and Maps" and more.  There are some really cool things you can do with weatherspark.  Just be warned, there is a twitter feed on the main page so use caution before displaying that up on your data projector to your class.

Social Studies
"Learn What Daily Life was Like in Colonial Times, Colonial Life Trivia, How the Colonists Lived, What Foods the Colonists Ate, Facts about Colonial Occupations and Colonial Education on's Colonial Life Resource Page."

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