MapAList - Create a Customized Google Map with Google SS

MapAList is a FREE "wizard for creating and managing customized Google maps of address lists."  What use is this to you?  Here are some ideas -

  • ELA - your class is reading a book and have students input locations mentioned in the book, now they can see a map of these locations; or create a map of everywhere your students' Flat Stanleys have traveled.
  • Social Studies - your class is studying a long term event (say, a war) and you can build a map of the locations you are studying; OR for younger students, you can display a map of where the students in your class live

Because the data is stored in a Google spreadsheet, the map updates automatically as you add or change items within the spreadsheet.

You do need an account to use MapAList, but that is because it asks for permission to connect to your Google Account.  Once setup, it keeps an list of any maps you have created so you can update or change them.  Maps can be either private or public, and you can email or embed them to share with others.

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