Moodle - Where to Start?

"How do I start using Moodle?"

If you are new to Moodle, it can be easy to become overwhelmed.  This is because Moodle can be used in so many ways that the new user feels lost!  Here are some quick-start suggestions for ways you can quickly begin using it:
  • share handouts on your course so students can access them anytime (no more running to the copier to get additional copies as they can print it out themselves!) - File Resource
  • post links to online resources (no more running around helping students when they type in the URLs incorrectly) - Website Resource
  • create a weekly poll of one question that can test for general knowledge or gather data -  Choice Activity
  • have a student Q&A forum where students can answer each others' questions - Forum Activity
By starting out implementing just one aspect of Moodle, you can gain the familiarity and confidence you need while beginning to move your students into a blended environment.

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