PD: ISTE-Verizon Mobile Learning Academy

Introducing the ISTE-Verizon Mobile Learning Academy,  a wonderful free professional learning opportunity for K-12 public, private and charter schools in the United States that will help school teams of teachers, tech coaches and administrators prepare for successfully integrating mobile technology into learning and teaching. Teams of educators will work together to make the pedagogical and cultural change necessary to leverage mobile technology to improve and accelerate student learning.

This program is funded by the Verizon Foundation and is limited to United States’ schools only, as per their commitment to the White House’s Connected Program. ISTE is inviting school teams from across the continental United States to apply to participate in the first phase of the program.

Mobile technology integration
-        Learn the ins and outs of creating lessons and activities that use mobile learning.

Align with established best practices
-        Expand your knowledge of the latest mobile devices and education apps with an eye toward the very best and most appropriate uses for students.

Encourage creativity and safety
-        Learn how to guide your students to safely use mobile technology while also encouraging creativity.

Get guidance and mentorship
-        You’re not in this alone. Train alongside your colleagues to build school-wide goals with individual classroom examples, supported by ISTE instructional consultants.

The VMLA will be offered online four times between September 2014 and December 2015. Participants who successfully complete the Verizon Mobile Learning Academy will receive continuing education units from Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Technology in Education.

Applications must be for K-12 public, private and charter school teams consisting of at least 5 participants (maximum of 10 per school):
·        1 school administrator
·        1 tech coach (or equivalent)
·        3-8 teachers
·        All applicants must be actively engaged in their school or district mobile learning initiatives.
·        School team applicants must currently be using mobile technologies in classrooms.

Learn more and apply here: http://iste.org/vmla

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