Opportunity - TeenDrive365 Video Challenge

 From Discovery Education & Toyota:

Learning to drive is one of the coolest times for a teen. But facts have shown it can also be
extremely dangerous. In fact, the first year after a teen gets their license will be one of the most dangerous years of their life. (Source: National Safety Council). Actions such as talking
on the phone or just talking to your friends in the car, not wearing a seatbelt, driving at
night, texting, and just plain inexperience all result in car crashes being the leading
cause ofteenage death in the U.S.

But we believe that you have the power to inspire your fellow teens, maybe better than a
teacher or a parent can, because you know what messages will be the most powerful. That’s why the TeenDrive365 Video Challenge empowers teens to put that vision on camera and save teen lives!

Approach your video submission as your chance to find a message that would resonate
with you and your peers. If your friends—and teens throughout the United States—were
going to watch ONE video that made them think twice about making bad decisions behind
the wheel, what would that video be?

Check out the prizes:
  • 1st Place: $15,000 and the chance to work with a Discovery film crew to reshoot your video into a TV-ready PSA!
  • 2nd Place: $10,000 and a behind-the-scenes trip for two to a Velocity show!
  • 3rd Place: $7,500
  • People's Choice Winner: $5,000 and a behind-the-scenes trip for two to a Velocity show! 

Learn more

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