PD Opportunity: Teacher Exchange Program

Teacher Exchange Program - for Teachers in Branch, Calhoun, Hillsdale & Jackson Counties (Michigan)

The new Teacher Exchange program is designed to give teachers the opportunity to visit other classrooms from the region to see "real world" practices for blended learning and digital formative assessments. Graduates of 21 Things are given first priority to be part of a cohort that will go on the visits!  This includes:
  • ​2 visits between Jan-May
  • Sub costs covered
  • Guided discussion with the cohort and a teacher-facilitator on the day of the visits
  • A few brief follow up surveys
See more details and apply: http://teacherexchange.weebly.com/

I really hope to see many of you take advantage of this and be able to bring some important conversations and practices back to your building! Your foundation from 21 Things really equips you to be ready to take the next steps, and getting a new perspective from other classrooms can often times lead to amazing insights!

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