PD Opportunity - CUE Rock Star Teacher

CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp Saugatuck hosted by MACUL
Saugatuck Middle School

July 7th to the 9th from 9-4 daily. 

This isn't a just a tech camp, but three high energy days about putting great teaching first and then enhancing it with technology. It's also an experience where the faculty doesn't present, but facilitates and ensures the attendees are the "rock stars".

Last year's event was a huge success and feedback was extremely positive from attendees. The overarching theme from teachers was that they had never experienced PD like that before. 

1/6 of last year's group presented at this year's MACUL conference, many for the first time ever. This is proof that the camp's goal of launching new educational leaders is indeed being realized and helping to grow new teacher-leaders across Michigan and the Midwest. You don't have to be looking to become the next great edtech guru though, just looking to energize your teaching with some new ideas.

The camp is capped at 100 attendees with 11 faculty, ensuring lots of individualized guidance and instruction.

Daily Schedule: 

9:00      Coffee, light pastries
9:30      Shred Sessions - Faculty get two minutes each to highlight sessions so                  attendees can find the right fit. 
10:00    Session 1
12:00    Lunch/Unconference
2:00      Session 2 
4:00      Closing

Cost is $249. SCECHs and college credit will be available for an additional charge.

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