Discovery Education - Virtual Field Trip to Library of Congress

From Discovery Education -

Streaming On Demand September 16, 2016
Live Twitter Chat at 1PM ET

Did you know...
The Library of Congress has the world's largest collection and receives approximately 15,000 new items every weekday.

Did you know...
On July 14, 2016, Congress confirmed the 14th Librarian of Congress, Dr. Carla Hayden, the first woman and first African American to hold this prestigious office.

In honor of Constitution Day, Discovery Education is taking you behind-the-scenes at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.

Join Dr. Hayden, the new Librarian of Congress, and other experts for a 30-minute virtual field trip to commemorate this historic day. Tour the largest library in the world and get a candid look into the minds that founded our country.

Stream this free event on demand, anytime, beginning September 16th.

Watch the Virtual Field Trip

Join a live Twitter Chat with the Librarian of Congress
on September 16 at 1PM ET, using the hashtag

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