Google Earth - New & Revamped

The new and improved Google Earth is here after 2 years of development, and it is worth checking out!

(First note - at this time you can only check it out using the Chrome browser, or with an Android devices.  From The Keyword Google Blog it will be "on iOS and other browsers in the near future.")

To get a nice introduction, I recommend reading the blog post Welcome Home to the New Google Earth.

Then, here are some quick overviews for starting to use it -

The landing page for Google Earth on the web gives some awesome views - I just sat and watched it scroll through a few times before clicking on the "Launch Google Earth."

After you launch, it will load - the time for this varies depending on your connection.  You will then see the new Google Earth

There are a variety of icons on the left side - you can click on the Waffle at the top to open the drawer if you need to know what each icon is.

One icon is not represented in the drawer - the "I'm Feeling Lucky" icon.  Click it to be taken to a location.

It will "fly" you there and give a 3D rotational view of the location.  And it will show directional information and a world marker in the lower right corner.

Additionally, it will provide what they are calling a "Knowledge Card" about the location, which can be clicked on for additional information and even shared with other people.

This is a wonderful update - and great way to expose your students to other places in the world in a new perspective.

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