MI Open Book Project

The Michigan Open Book Project is a multi-year project to provide Michigan social studies teachers with OER (Open Educational Resources) textbooks that can be downloaded, modified, and used in their classrooms.  These are FREE resources (as licensed under Creative Commons) that you can modify to best meet your needs! 

From the site:

"A simple math problem:  T+D+TE=MOBP

T = Textbooks - your district spends thousands of dollars on them, but they were written for other states and by the time they make it to you, they're already out of date.

D = Devices - your district is getting more devices every year.  Perhaps an update to the aging computer lab.  Perhaps a mobile lab of tablets to check out for your classroom.  Maybe you're going 1:1.  Whatever the scenario, more devices are making their way into Michigan schools each year.

TE = Teacher Empowerment - The best teachers know their content and know how to reach their students.

When you add these things up you get the heart and soul of the MI Open Book Project."

If you have never checked them out, you should!  

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