Google Sheets - Basic Formulas

(Part of my administrative assistant series on Google Sheets.)

These are some of the most basic - and most used functions - in Google Sheets.  If you are doing any of these by hand, it is time to begin using formulas to automate the process.

NOTE: When it says "selected data" this could be a typed in number OR a referenced cell address; this could also be a combination of both.

Basic Operations:
+ (addition)
Adds two selected data.
Example: =C2+30

- (subtraction)
Subtracts the second data referenced from the first data referenced.
Example: =100-D5

* (multiplication)
Multiples the two selected data.
Example: =C2*D2

/ (division)
Divides the first referenced data by the second.
Example: =E3/2

Order of Operations
If the formula is a longer string, standard order of operations is ALWAYS followed:

  1. parenthesis/brackets calculated first
  2. powers calculated next
  3. multiplication/division calculated next
  4. addition/subtraction calculated last

Basic Statistical Functions:
Finds the sum total of the selected data set.
Example: =SUM(D2:D7)

Finds the average (mean) of the selected data set.
Example: =AVERAGE(D2:D7)

Finds the middle number of the selected data set.
Example: =MEDIAN(D2:D7)

Finds the most frequently occurring number of the selected data set.
Example: =MODE(D2:D7)

Rounding Functions:
Rounds the selected cell entry, using standard rounding rules.
Example: =ROUND(C2)

Rounds the selected cell entry down to next whole number.
Example: =ROUNDDOWN(D8)

Rounds the selected cell entry up to the next whole number.
Example: =ROUNDUP(C6)

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