Google Sheets - Checkbox is Now Available!

Today I noticed an addition to my Insert Menu while on a Google Sheet.  I now have the additional option of inserting a checkbox! I often use checkmarks in cells, preferring them to an "x" as it is an obvious symbol. (If you didn't know, you can add them with using Option + V) However, the checkboxes are a vast improvement over that.

Here is the menu change (Old to New) -

To add a checkbox into a selected cell, go to the Insert Menu and  select Checkbox -
(By the way - Kudos to Google for adding that little "NEW" box to items that have just been added.  Now I don't need to guess - is it something I just never saw before?  Or is it new?... and the NEW disappeared after I used the feature.)

It certainly would be tedious to have to do that individually for every cell.  There are 2 ways to mass add the checkbox.

1. Highlight the cells, THEN do your insert

2. Use the fill feature to add it to adjacent cells
What is cool about this second features is that you can check the box first, and add a bunch of CHECKED boxes quickly.  Pretty slick if you know most of them need to be checked, and then you can uncheck the few.

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