Google Calendar - Propose a New Meeting Time

What can you do when you get an invitation to a meeting you cannot attend?  With a recent change, it is now easy to propose a new meeting time. 

While viewing your calendar, click on the event you are invited to and want to propose a change in meeting day/time.

When the detail window pops up, look at the bottom in the response bar for an arrow on the right side -

When clicking on that arrow, you get 2 more options.  Click on Propose a new time to do that -

When you select to Propose a new time, you get a new window.  The left pane of the window lets you RSVP and propose a new date and/or time.  You can also add a message.  On the right, it will display the calendars of any invitees for which you have viewing rights to help you suggest a time with minimal conflicts.  When done, click on Send Proposal -

You have now proposed a new time to the organizer of the event.

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