STEM Resources from the Civil Air Patrol (CAP)

The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) has a wealth of STEM resources that can be made available to educators. How? Become a CAP Aerospace Education Members (AEM)!

Learn more about the benefits to you from the Aerospace Education Member Program Flyer, which include:
  • curriculum resources that can be modified to your specific needs
  • provision of materials from the STEM Kit Program (you may request 1 each year of membership - list is on 2nd page of above flyer)
  • eligibility for $250 CAP AEM grants (awarded in September and March each year)
  • eligibility to participate in the Aerospace Connections in Education (ACE) Program 
  • eligibility to participate in the Aerospace Education Excellence (AEX) Program
AEMs are also eligible to take a free Teacher Orientation Program (TOP) Flight in one of MIWG's Cessna 172/!82 Aircraft with a highly qualified CAP Pilot who has received special training for such Educator Orientation flights.

Cost? A one-time $35.00 Membership Fee
Annual renewals of the Aerospace Education Member's membership are free for as long as the member desires to retain his/her membership and renews it in a timely fashion.

If you would like more information, contact Major Mike Seiloff, CAP MIWG External Aerospace Education Officer.  He oversees these external programs in Michigan and makes sure that AEMs are receiving all of these benefits either through a local CAP Squadron or through MIWG if there is no convenient CAP Squadron in the AEM's local area.

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