A Life Cycle App - App Review for IEAR

App Title: A Life Cycle App

Grade Level: 4th-9th Grade

Purpose: A
A Life Cycle App walks the user through (currently) ten different biological life cycles.  Some examples of cycles the user can choose from include phases of the moon, pollination & fertilization, life cycle of the butterfly, water cycle, and oxygen cycle.  Each phase in a cycle is represented with graphics and/or pictures.  Touching a graphic brings up information about that phase in a text box.  Audio accompanies the text so the user could listen to the information as well as reading it.

Program Functionality: B
The Life Cycle App has very little interactivity for the user.  The user basically can click on the graphic/picture within the cycle to read or listen to long boxes of text about that item.  While it is a step up from a static textbook, it is little different than going to a website with similar information.  Additionally, the screen seems very cluttered which can be an issue with many students.

Overall Educational Value: B

Cost: $0.99 (regular iTunes store price)

As a review app, this app may be useful to students studying any of the Life Cycles included on the app.  This application would NOT be applicable for students in lower elementary as there is such a large amount of text and many higher level vocabulary words are used.

iTunes Link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/a-life-cycle-app/id394578286?mt=8

Reviewer Name: Melinda Waffle
IEAR Site: http://www.iear.org 

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Tags:  science

Category:  elementary, middle, high

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