Five Friday Finds

On a delay from Friday, here's the latest edition of Friday Finds!

Finding good web resources can be the hardest part of the job for an educator.  With all the demands on a teacher's time, who has time to spend searching?  If this is you, here are some resources you may found useful.  Please feel free to share with others!

Free & Legal Music Downloads
Site where users can access and download music that has been shared through Creative Commons licensing by its creators.

Planet Read
There are currently two areas:  Bookbox, where audio-visual books for young children are available in languages from around the world; Same Language Subtitling, an area with activities, research, and information about same language subtitling.

Visual Math Learning
Online math tutorials that utilize games, puzzles, interactive diagrams and computer animated manipulatives  to emphasize learning concepts.

“Images of Life on Earth” ARKive is creating the “ultimate multimedia guide to the world’s endangered animals, plants and fungi.”

Social Studies-
Understanding the Upheaval in the Middle East
NY Times lesson on helping students understand what is happening in the Middle East & northern Africa, as well as the historical background.

Have a great week!

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