Five Friday Finds - March 16, 2012

Today's finds are all about some great tools provided by Discovery!

Discovery provides tools for teachers, students, parents and schools - this is beyond the videos (formally from United Streaming) that most of our local schools have a subscription to.  Here are five "tools" you might find useful.

As always, share and share alike as we are all more knowledgeable when we collaborate.

 Lots of resources for new or experienced teachers.  This site does not require any login.

Discovery site encouraging interaction & exploration on various topics.

Kathy's site is pretty comprehensive with some great finds for any educator.

Discovery even provides resources for parents!  (As well as students, teachers and administrators.)

Use this site to learn about a variety of Web 2.0 tools & topics you might find of interest as you expand your use of technology, especially online technology.

If you want to learn about some other Discovery Tools, you might check out this blog post by the Educational Technology Guy.

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