Five Friday Finds - March 2, 2012

Here it is Friday again!  This weeks Five Friday Finds are about getting out and about in the world...

As always, share with others and have a great weekend.

Just that - some useful charts for a variety of areas.

A teacher created and shared site that is free for other teachers.  Among other things, the site provides free downloadable files that "mark the journeys of characters from famous literature on the surface of Google Earth. At each location along the journey there are placemarks with pop-up windows containing a variety of resources including relevant media, thought provoking discussion starters, and links to supplementary information about “real world” references made in that particular portion of the story."

Brainpop interactive activity where students play "battleship" to learn about the numberline or work at estimating to hit the ship or submarine.  (Ok, I admit that I spent too much time playing this is engaging and as a former math teacher I could definitely see potential for this, especially as an activity kids could use for review or extra practice in learning these skills.)

The National Museum of Natural History has put together a virtual dinosaur dig to give users the essentials to the steps of discovering and recovering fossils. 

Social Studies
Links to some great interactive field trip sites.

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